Here are the ten superior South African extra virgin olive oils which have been selected as finalists for the 2015 Absa Top 5. The Absa Top 5 olive oils will be revealed at Café Bon Bon in Franschhoek on 14 October.
Author Archive | SA Olive Association
SA Olive Se Mentorskap-Toekennings Oorhandig
Esolda Cilliers van Willow Creek Products is aangewys as die ontvanger van die SA Olive Mentorskap-toekenning vir 2015. Hierdie aankondiging is gemaak by die jaarlikse SA Olive-toekenningsgeleentheid wat Donderdag, 3 September plaasgevind het.
SA Olive Announces Mentorship Award Recipients
SA Olive established their mentorship programme in 2008 with the aim of nurturing a new generation of olive oil growers and makers. It is an industry sponsored programme made possible by national and local government grants.
SA Se Beste Olyfolies Bekendgemaak
Suid-Afrika se beste ekstrasuiwer olyfolies vir 2015 is onthul by die SA Olive-toekennings gisteraand (3 September) by Ashanti Estate. ‘n Totaal van 19 premium ekstrasuiwer olyfolies het goue medaljes in drie kategorieë ontvang – 3 vir Delikate, 10 vir Medium en 6 vir Intense styl olies.
South Africa’s Best Olive Oils Announced
South Africa’s finest extra virgin olive oils for 2015 were announced at the SA Olive Awards last night (3 September). A total of 19 premium extra virgin olive oils received gold medals in three categories – 3 for Delicate, 10 for Medium and 6 for Intense style oils.
SA Olive Toekennings: Oomblik Van Waarheid Is Hier
‘n Span top proeërs het vandeesweek by Nederburg saamgetrek om die deelnemers vir die 2015 SA Olive-toekennings onder die loep te neem. Dié kompetisie, wat vanjaar vir die 10de keer aangebied word, het 91 inskrywings gelok wat individueel oor vier dae beoordeel sal word in die soeke na Suid-Afrika se beste ekstrasuiwer olyfolies.
SA Olive Awards: Moment of Truth
A team of top tasters are gathered at Nederburg this week to scrutinize contenders for the 2015 SA Olive Awards. The competition, now in its 10th year, has drawn 91 entries which will be rated one-by-one over four days to declare South Africa’s best extra virgin olive oils.
Table Olive Tasting Course (25 March 2015)
The training course is to introduce the principles and responsibilities of being a sensory panel member, together with the attributes of table olives that are used internationally for this purpose.
Best Olive Oils In South Africa Named At 2014 Absa Top 5
The crème de la crème of South African extra virgin olive oils were unveiled at the Absa Top 5 Olive Oil Awards today. The winners edged out an impressive line-up of leading olive oil exponents for the coveted Top 5 positions.
Finalists for ABSA Top 5 Olive Oils Announced
A handful of premium locally-produced extra virgin olive oils have been selected as finalists for the 2014 Absa Top 5.