An esteemed international olive oil expert has joined forces with the highly qualified judging panel for the 2014 SA Olive Awards. The competition, now in its ninth year, has attracted 76 locally produced extra virgin olive oils.

An esteemed international olive oil expert has joined forces with the highly qualified judging panel for the 2014 SA Olive Awards. The competition, now in its ninth year, has attracted 76 locally produced extra virgin olive oils.
Aspiring olive oil tasters are invited to a three-day training course run by SA Olive in partnership with the National Organization of Olive Oil Tasters (ONAOO), the world’s premier olive oil tasting school. Historically only offered at ONAOO’s headquarters in the province of Imperia, Italy, the programme is the first of its kind in South […]
Entries for the 2014 SA Olive Awards are open. One hundred per cent locally-produced South African olive oils are eligible to enter the annual competition, now in its 9th year. SA Olive, the local industry regulator, invites entries in the categories for Delicate, Medium and Intense oils by 24 July.
Oakhurst Olives, a boutique olive farm in the Tulbagh Valley (South Africa), has officially joined the ranks of the world’s best by scooping Best in Class and Gold awards for their Delicate Extra Virgin Olive Oil at the 2014 New York International Olive Oil Competition.
Olyfberg Tapenade is made from a secret, tasty mix of chopped olives, herbs, garlic, capers, lemon and black pepper; a must have in any kitchen. We use firm, fresh, top quality olives in our product, hence the healthy end result – Pieter Kruger (farm manager at Olyfberg Olive Products) Tapenade is a delicious and versatile […]
The first guide to Extra Virgin Olive Oil in South Africa has been published and is an excellent tool for the consumer to find and buy this healthy local product. The guide, published by Overberg Publications and Promotions, was compiled by Glynis van Rooyen and designed by Hanlie Allan, both from Hermanus, and features 48 […]
Olive oil lovers will be ecstatic that Willow Creek Olive Estate has just extended their range of flavoured olive oils by adding no less than 6 new aromas.
Olyfberg Olive Estate has introduced their brand new tap box, filled with Olyfberg’s award winning Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Why this packaging? The convenient new tap box is easy to use with a no spill, non-drip tap, and is available in 1- and 2-litre boxes at R95.00 and R195.00 each. This packaging shields the olive […]
Olyfberg and the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) have joined hands in the battle against cancer. Olyfberg will donate R2 to cancer research for every litre of their Extra Virgin Olive Oil sold. Be on the lookout for the CANSA Smart Choice sticker on the Olyfberg Extra Virgin Olive Oil bottles.